Episerver Release Notes - August

September 12, 2019
David Korff, David Fewless

Episerver regularly releases new features and bug fixes on a bi-weekly cadence. Every month, The C2 Group, an Episerver Gold Partner, highlights some of the noteworthy updates to Epi software. Check out August's top releases and updates to Epi's Commerce customer service representative UI.


Episerver’s continuous release cycle provides new features and bug fixes on a bi-weekly cadence. Each month, C2 will aggregate and highlight some of the bigger updates to Epi software. To learn more, or if you have specific questions, you can contact The C2 Group, an Episerver Gold Partner, here.

Order Management CSR UI now open

Fixed in: EPiServer.Commerce 13.6.0 [ID: COM-9656]

The Order Management beta screen is now available for both CommerceAdmins and CustomerServiceRepresentatives roles who also have access to beta features. While the interface is automatically enabled by default in Commerce 13.6, the user can disable it if desired. If teams choose to enable the Order Management UI, Episerver encourages you to share your thoughts with the feedback button provided.

While the UI is subject to change, above is a screen grab of the most current CSR UI including the Commerce Order Management tab.
While the UI is subject to change, above is a screen grab of the most current CSR UI - Beta version (Source: Episerver).

Markets and currency reporting in CSR UI (Beta)

Fixed in: EPiServer.Commerce 13.7.0 [ID: COM-8107]

‘Markets’ are a way of classifying audience segments, each with its own set of countries, languages, currencies, taxes, and payment and shipping options. CustomerServiceRepresentatives roles now have the ability to choose from their list of markets and search further by customers with a cart and assign a market to a cart. This will provide CSR’s the ability to further report on an order’s market and currency.

The most recent release of Episerver's Commerce CSR UI includes reporting on “Sales by day” per Market, Currency
The most recent release of the CSR UI includes reporting on “Sales by day” per Market, Currency (Source: Episerver).

Custom fields for Order, Shipment, and LineItem in CSR UI

Fixed in: EPiServer.Commerce 13.7.0 [ID: COM-9292]

CustomerServiceRepresentatives roles are able to edit custom fields for purchase orders, legacy cart, shipments, and line items objects. As of right now, editing fields in multiple languages in addition to File and ImageFile data types are not yet supported.