A Year of Higher Education

February 27, 2015
Katie Herrick

Last year, The C2 Group racked up some coast-to-coast frequent flier miles kicking off and launching higher education web projects. In 2014, we engaged with eleven colleges and universities and delivered work ranging from responsive web design, web development, CMS upgrades, server architecture audits, CMS workflow audits, usability research, and usability testing.

Culture & News

Last year, The C2 Group racked up some coast-to-coast frequent flier miles kicking off and launching higher education web projects. In 2014, we engaged with eleven colleges and universities and delivered work ranging from responsive web design, web development, CMS upgrades, server architecture audits, CMS workflow audits, usability research, and usability testing.

Check out this video highlighting our higher ed work from 2014 or view all our featured work at www.c2experience.com/work/.

Can’t wait to see what amazing work comes from projects with our higher ed partners in 2015!